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Packing essentials when travelling with toddlers

1st July 2013

Whether you’re going away for a weekend or an entire week abroad, there are certain packing essentials that can make your day much easier. Here at Tiny World Day Nursery we like to think we know everything there is to know when it comes to the needs of babies, toddlers, and young children alike, but there’s always more to learn! We’ve put together this helpful article for all the Mums, Dads, and carers out there to make the ‘oh I forgot the… *insert item here*’ moments a thing of the past and maybe even suggest things you hadn’t considered yet.

Sun cream + hat – Your toddler’s skin is wonderfully soft and unblemished, but the harmful rays of the sun can damage it overtime. Sun exposure can be beneficial as it is our primary source of vitamin D, however over exposure can do more harm than good. It’s important for you to teach your toddlers good sun care, which includes wearing a hat and sun cream. The British weather is notoriously volatile, which means a mini bottle of sun cream and a fold away sun hat won’t take up much room and will be there for you when you need it. And remember, even when it’s overcast and cloudy, UV rays can still penetrate and cause damage.

Spare set of clothesToddlers are like miniature adults but without the same level of care when it comes to keeping their clothes clean! They can run around and get up to all kinds of mischief, which results more often than not in mucky clothes or spilt juice down a white top. For this reason it’s always sensible to have a spare set of clothes on hand. It needn’t be anything fancy or bulky, just something you can easily slip into your bag without taking up too much space that will be on hand should you ever need it. They can also be donned in addition to a rain jacket or fleece if you end up staying outside longer than expected and the temperature drops. A clean, warm toddler is a happy toddler.

Plastic bags – If your toddler still uses nappies around the clock you will undoubtedly need a change during the day, which means packing spare nappies and finding somewhere to put the dirty ones. Unfortunately it’s not always possible to be at a designated changing facility at the critical moment and whilst you can make a change anywhere, having a plastic bag at hand to store the article before you can dispose of it can be indispensable. And if you’re eco-conscious there are many small refuse bags available from most retailers that are completely recyclable so you know you’re doing your bit for the environment as well as being imminently practical!

Sippy Cups + A Snack – Encouraging your little one to drink little and often is an essential part of their diet. A dehydrated toddler can become grouchy, hungry, and it can even make them ill with headaches or rashes seemingly without a cause. Carrying a cup and flask can be impractical, but a small Sippy Cup or equivalent squeezy bottle can provide the hydration they need without weighing your bag down. And if you pop into a café or restaurant on the road, staff will be more than happy to top up your bottle with water, even more so if you stop there for a much needed coffee too! As for a snack, these can be a great mood-changer if your toddler is ready for a full meal but it’s not quite dinner time. It can also be given as a treat or eaten yourself if needs must.

First aid kit – This need not be an exhaustive medical pack, but an allergy tablet or plaster could be exactly what you need when you’re away from home. Children have a habit of picking up or playing with things that they might have a reaction to, from pollen to nettles, in which case an antihistamine can really save the day. A surgical wipe to dab over any dirty grazes should they fall over will ensure they are clean and healthy, as well as a plaster to cover any cuts. Unfortunately little accidents, bumps and bruises are common with small children, and whilst you try your best to prevent them it’s always a good idea to have a cure at hand as well.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of packing essentials for toddlers, and prioritising what to bring with you for a day bag is entirely up to you, but keeping these things in mind on your next trip may mean you can come to the rescue with a plaster or snack to as well as ensuring your day runs smoothly!
