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5 Tips for Staying in a Hotel With Children

3rd January 2017

Travelling to a new place is an exciting occasion for children and adults alike. However, there’s no doubting that it’s a change in routine and one that your little ones might struggle with. Hotels can be both stimulating and bewildering places for infants and keeping them safe and entertained in this new environment can prove to be a challenge. But with some know-how, the experience can be lots of fun and a great bonding experience. So read on to see our five useful tips for staying in a hotel with children.

Identify any health and safety hazards

As a parent of young children, your home is probably thoroughly kitted out with safety equipment to make it a danger-free zone for your youngsters. A hotel room is unfamiliar territory, and therefore it’s wise to conduct a ‘risk assessment’ before letting your little ones run free. Check for broken glass or sharp objects, such as things left behind by past occupiers, or free hotel items such as sewing kits or irons.

Get organised

Staying in a hotel can both be both a daunting and exciting event for all the family, but to keep stress levels to a minimum, try and organise this new environment. Keep on top of mess to avoid chaos, and establish early on who will be sleeping in which bed to avoid night-time arguments. To ease the anxiety of both yourself and your children, and to make the room seem more like home, divide up the space into designated areas e.g. nappy changing station, play area for the storage of toys and entertainment.

Don’t worry about straying from routine

Going on holiday can involve crossing time zones and eating at unusual times. Don’t pretend that your family will stick to the routine they have at home, so prepare to be lenient. You shouldn’t drop rules and structure entirely, but accept that mealtimes and bedtimes will not be the same as they are at home.

Lock the door if possible

To stop your little ones from exploring their new home, lock the hotel room door. This prevents them from wandering off in the hotel and getting into potentially dangerous situations. To satisfy their curiosity, you should instead go exploring alongside them and take a family tour around the hotel, letting your children indulge in some safe play if appropriate.

Bring entertainment

Whilst your child may enjoy the new intriguing environment, they may also be missing their home comforts. Bring along their favourite toys to add some familiar touches to the hotel room. To keep them further occupied, try and book a hotel that has plenty of amenities such as a swimming pool or a games room.

As an adult, you will also need to think about keeping yourself entertained; if you don’t fancy going to bed at 8pm like your children, bring along a book and reading light, or a tablet, to use after the little ones have gone to bed. Also note that booking a room with a balcony will give you your own private space to retire to after the children have drifted off.

Here at Tiny World Day Nurseries, we have over 30 years’ experience keeping the little ones entertained. Our staff plan plenty of fun and educational activities for the children in our care, including drawing, crafting, exercising and learning. All three of our branches are located in the Nottingham and Mansfield areas and all are available for parents to visit. If you would like further information about why your child would feel at home here, simply get in touch today.
